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Friday 15 May 2009

Should I filter out low paying ads? - optimisation tips

Adsense allows you to block any ads you choose from appearing on your blog. As your blog grows, you may want to filter out low-paying ads from displaying on your blog.

How to block ads from displaying on your blog.
Login to your Adsense account and click on Adsense Set-up. Click on Competitive Ad-Filter. Now, you simply add the full URL's of the ads you'd like to block. If you want to block all ads from a domain, simply add the domain.

Why would you want to block certain ads?
There are several reasons why you would want to block out a particular ad. The main reason is that the ads could point to your competitor's website - potentially losing you a customer. Another reason people consider blocking ads, is that they believe the ad to be low-paying.

This may sound like a good idea, but it's more beneficial to keep you ad filter list as small as possible. A large filter list limits the number of ads Adsense has to choose from for your site - potentially affecting your earnings. Also, an ad that may not pay well one month, may pay better the next. Finally, Adsense displays the highest paying available ads for your niche - if your clicks are not generating much income, perhaps you should focus on a new niche.

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